Hamlin's Marine decided to stick our neck out this year and attend the Super Bowl of boat shows...the New England Boat Show. Of course, Hamlin's decided to bet big with Cutwater, NorthCoast, and Scout in a year that Hell actually froze over. Our two weeks in Boston were the snowiest and coldest on record; our rental home in Jamaica Plain could have passed for a sugar shack in the Allagash.
Jamaica Plain on the Wrong Side of the Tracks
In true Maine fashion, our sales team hunkered down and turned our misfortune into an adventure similar to an ice fishing expedition. Instead of brookies and togue, we were dealing with gigantic subway rats, street thugs, and parking bans.
Of course, it could have been much worse. There was a rumor that the the Prudential building was completely buried in snow. My mother was stricken with panic, and she left me a voice mail. I love my mother forever for this one:
The reality was bad, but certainly not life threatening. Here a couple of pictures from a pizza take out mission...
Best Pizza In Boston
Blocking Traffic For a Good Cause
Another Blizzard Was on the Way...I think These Cars are Still There!
The logistics of move in and the amount of labor it took to prepare the boats was nothing short of heroic. Our team including Justin Bennett, Cole Rousey, Norman Shirley, Chuck Heath, Mike Perrino of Casco Bay Yacht Sales, and Dave Hamlin were able to navigate the snowbound city and set up a boating paradise in the frozen hell that was Boston. These guys are truly hard core Mainers that aren't afraid of a massive challenge.
Here are some photos of the move in and move out:
Human Trafficking in the Trailer to Sneak Past the Union Gestapo
Cutwater Boats
Reno Needing a Good Nap
Despite dismal crowds at the Boston Convention Center, Hamlin's Marine experienced a successful show. We made new customers and new friends including a unique and wonderful individual by the name of Ed Del Grande. Not only did Ed buy a new Cutwater at the show, he joined our sales team for a couple of days and sold his tail off! Check out this video and you'll understand how Ed could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves:
Ed is my new best friend and I'm so happy to be delivering a new Cutwater 26 to him in Rhode Island this spring. He is the most energetic, appreciative, and humorous guy I've met in my years selling boats. I hope Ed doesn't mind when I start showing up to his family gatherings!
Ed & Linda Del Grande on Their New Boat with Salesman John Clark
I could bore everyone with the details of our Boston trip, but I'll keep some things between us and God. The trip made us stronger as a team, as well as VIP customers of an institution in Jamaica Plain by the name of Doyle's Pub. Thank you Jerry for putting up with four salesmen from Hamlin's Marine and the after hours round of Guinness. We'll always remember our new city friends, and we will sure to be back to Doyle's next year! You made us feel at home.